The Ranch is taking it to a new level!
A core focus of the league will be to offer year round League Instruction and Player Development. What makes The Ranch Girls Softball League different is that we will be offering:
- Free Hitting Lessons
- Player Development Clinics
- Pitching Clinics
- Coaching Clinics
- Winter Ball Program
- Elevated Select and All-Star Programs
This outstanding player development program will be funded by Rancho Bernardo Snack Bar proceeds.
Free Hitting Lessons
- Mondays and Thursdays from 4:30 pm to 7:30 pm at the RB batting cages by field 7.
- Be on the lookout for a weekly email every Sunday at 7 p.m. with a link to sign up for lesson time.
- Open to all players
Free Catcher's Clinics
- Dates TBD
- Open to all catchers
Free Pitching Clinics with Powerhouse Mechanics
- Dates TBD
- Open to all pitchers